- Fully functioning nucleus colony in a disposable deep 6 frame wooden Nuc box
- A 2025 “laying” VSH Italian/Carniolan Mixed Hybrid Queen which originates from inseminated hybrid VSH Breeder Queens from the USDA Baton Rouge Lab and from Ohio Queen Breeders stock
- Inner 4 frames contain brood in all stages (egg, larva & pupae) and bees
- Outer frames contain honey, pollen and bees
2025 6-Frame Nuc with VSH Queen /Delivered
We will deliver orders of 10 or more Nucs. The 10 Nuc minimum can be a single buyer or multiple buyers taking delivery at the same location.* The price of $295 includes a $15 transport fee.
*Check with us as we may already have a delivery scheduled for your area.
South Texas Delivery Info:
Nucs to our Austin area customers will be delivered to our staging location in Georgetown, TX. Tentative target delivery date of Early to Mid April 2025.